Please work around the issue that cannot download the file via clicking frame window in iOS 9. Please refer to the attachment for details.

We made the following changes in the following files in the attachment:

1. Deleted the following parts in downloadaws.html and downloadaws_template.html:

1)Near Line 51:

.col1 {








2)Near line 116:


                    <div class="col1">                                       

                                       <span >

                                       *If you are using an iOS 9 device, please tap <a href="" id="ios_download1">here</a> to install the Appeon Workspace.



3)In line 144:document.getElementById("ios_download1").href = 'itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=' + ios_mobile_url;

4)In line 147:document.getElementById("ios_download1").href = ios_web_url;

2. Delete iframe in index.htm, Index.html, and default.htm:

<frameset rows="0,*" border="0" frameborder="no">

    <frame src="" scrolling="no" noresize>

    <frame name="webFrame" src="downloadaws.html">


Add the following script in red:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />

                <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=downloadaws.html" />

    <title>Appeon Workspace Download (AWS)</title>

Re-clicking here in the AEM login page and the downloadaws.html file will be re-initiated, and then you are able to download and install the Appeon Workspace.