The PowerBuilder runtime files are provided here (as a zip file) by versions. Each zip file contains both 32-bit and 64-bit runtime files.

If you think it inconvenient to extract runtime files for application distribution from the PowerBuilder installation path, you can download the zip file according to the version you are running, and get the runtime files in the zip file. 

  • 2017 R3 #1858

Download the PowerBuilder Runtime Files for 2017 R3 #1858. The file size is 27.8MB, and the SHA 256 code is 60954e08e8e4b14493ab7d603704e616d838f0af4d9a72eda3755ba2ef2eb4c5.

  • 2017 R3 MR #1880

Download the PowerBuilder Runtime Files for 2017 R3 MR #1880. The file size is 37.9MB, and the SHA256 code is ad6976b2d2e1facc374aeccf18afeaa7a47ff04ab2c4233d504c91843005ef17.

Microsoft files

When you deploy the core PowerBuilder runtime files, you must also deploy the msvcr80.dll (for 32-bit only), msvcp80.dll (for 32-bit only), msvcr100.dll, and msvcp100.dll Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libraries and the Microsoft .NET Active Template Library (ATL) module, atl80.dll (for 32-bit only) and atl100.dll, if they are not present on the user's computer. The PowerBuilder runtime files have a runtime dependency on these files. See PowerBuilder Runtime Files for more information.