
If the URL in the web request sent by HTTPClient/RESTClient exceeds 8 KB, the execution fails.


PowerBuilder 2021 Build 1506 and later


Though PowerBuilder supports 64 KB URL in a web request, Web Server has its own limit on the URL length. 


You can refer to the following solutions to change the length limit for different types of Web Servers.

  • IIS  Server

Modify the following information in the web.config file (locates in the service directory by default). The limit on URI is 2 KB by default.

Add the following settings under the system.webServer/security/ section in the web.config file:




           <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="930000000"  maxUrl="4096000" maxQueryString="2048000" /> 




Add the following settings under the system.web/httpRuntime section:



        <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="4096000" maxQueryStringLength="2048000" /> 


  • Kestrel Server

Add the following code in configwebhost. The limit on URI is 8 KB by default.

webBuilder.ConfigureKestrel(m => m.Limits.MaxRequestLineSize = 80000);
  • Apache Server

Modify the httpd.conf file (locates in % Apache Server %\conf\httpd.conf by default) corresponding to the service. Add the following settings (this file doesn’t have these configurations but the limit on URI is 8190 by default):

LimitRequestLine 80000
LimitRequestFieldSize 80000
  • Nginx Server

Modify the nginx.conf file (locates in %Nginx Server%\conf\ by default) corresponding to the service. Add the following setting (this file doesn’t have this configuration but the limit on URI is 8 KB by default):

large_client_header_buffers 16 64k